In September we will broaden our focus again on some more basic improvisation tools and techniques in dance. Slowly we will introduce working with the voice as well. Some techniques will help you create movements for yourself, other techniques help you to create group movements. We will introduce the concept of scores, in which we define movement improvisations with rules, like in games. At the end of the session we will have some time for open improvisation practice.
Through the last 70 years or so, more and more focus came on improvisation as an art by itself. More and more techniques and styles were developed. Throughout the year we will visit different techniques from different in influential improvisers. There are David Zambrano (passing through), Katie Duck (Amsterdam school), Steve Paxton (contact improvisation) Ruth Zaporah (action theater)
Simone Forti (Judgeton Church generation) In the future we will also pass the View points method, Authentic movement, Grotowski's drame reasearch, and more.
Here is one more video of the kind of things that might happen in our class.
Anna Halprin is one of the earliest (contemporary) improvisers, now at age 97, she is still teaching and dancing